SOMEWHERE tilrettelagde og udførte interviews med oplægsholderne på Statens Kunstfonds konference Kunst, sted og mennesker – fremtidens kunst i offentlige rum, som blev afholdt 8. oktober 2014 i Spinderihallerne i Vejle. Yrsa Wedel / Formosa Film producerede.

Se alle interviews her.

I interviewene fortæller det svenske Statens Konstråds direktør Magdalena Malm bl.a. om den inspirerende fornyelsesproces, det svenske statslige organ for offentlig kunst har gennemgået og om de særlige oplevelser, offentlig kunst kan skabe.

“What is very challenging and inspiring with public art is, that it is in the street. You dont have to ask anyone to come – we are actually were the audience is. I am extremely interested in those kinds of work where you can see that the artist has really imagined: how can we make the audience the centre of this piece? Like in an audio piece: it is about you, you are there in the street, and if you are not there, the piece does not exist. It is not standing at a distance looking at an object, but it is beeing inside of an experience.”

Magdalena Malm, Direktør Statens Konstråd, Sverige

De øvrige oplægsholdere var:

Morten Stræde, Morten Kyndrup, Kerstin Bergendal, Ole Wolf, Elisabeth Toubro, Jørgen Kreiner Møller, Kirstine Roepstorff, Jens Thomas Arnfred, Marianne Jørgensen og Charlotte Bagger Brandt.